
Black Kite Gives you the Power to Address Supply Chain Risk

Illuminating risk in your supply chain is more important than ever

Your organization is only as secure as its weakest supplier. Attackers are shifting their focus to the weakest points in your supply chain, which can have disastrous cascading impacts back to your organization. 
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Supply chains are complex

It’s hard enough to manage risk within your own organization, let alone your 3rd parties. When you add in 4th, 5th, and Nth parties, the task becomes even more daunting.

Black Kite Gives Organizations the Power to Identify Nth-Party Risk With First-of-its-Kind Supply Chain Monitoring Module

Black Kite Illuminates Risk in Your Supply Chain by: 

Improve Visibility
Preempt Disruptions
Meaningful Vendor Engagement
GeoMap Screenshot
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Key Features: 

Pivot Company:

Put any of your vendors at the center of the analysis to assess their supply chain risks. 

Cascading Risk:

Identify 3rd, 4th, and 5th parties victimized by attackers using FocusTags™ and automatically assess how its impact could cascade back to your organization.

Concentration Risk:

Identify suppliers, software products, and geographies that could have an outsized negative impact if victimized by an attack.

Enhanced Intelligence:

Assess risk out to your 6th parties across all Black Kite ratings, FocusTags, Concentration Risk, trade data, and more.

Get ahead of disruptions through automated 
identification and response.

Ready to get results you can trust?