
Ransomware Report March 2024

An In-Depth Analysis of the Latest Ransomware Trends and Threat Landscape

Dive into the constantly shifting world of ransomware, as we uncover the latest tactics, dissect the most prolific actors, and offer insights to keep your organization one step ahead.

AlphV has exited the scene. Although they announced some victims at the beginning of the month, they have since been silent. Several intelligence and research reports indicate that their affiliates have moved to other ransomware groups such as Play, Akira, and Hunters. The rise of these groups supports this claim.

After more than two years, Lockbit is no longer the number one ransomware group. Despite their efforts to recover from the FBI’s disruptions and announce some ex- or made-up victims (which we excluded from our stats), it seems that they will not be able to reach their prime time anytime soon. The Play ransomware group is now at the top.

In addition to the groups attracting AlphV’s affiliates, we see BlackBasta, Medusa, and RansomHub also climbing the ranks.

Targeting healthcare organizations is increasingly prevalent in the ransomware community.


Ransomware Perpetrators Unmasked!

In the complex world of cybercrime, identifyin the culprits is key to understanding and mitigating the threat.

Our data showcases a diverse range of ransomware groups, each with their own unique tactics, techniques, and procedures.
The top three dominating the landscape are Lockbit 3.0, Hunters, and Play. Each of these groups has a distinct modus operandi and target preference, painting a picture of a highly specialized and segmented market.

It’s important to remember, however, that while these groups grab the headlines, countless other smaller, yet equally dangerous groups are operating under the radar. By understanding the tactics of these leading groups, organizations can better anticipate potential threats and adapt their defenses accordingly.

Geographic Hotspots of Ransomware

Global Reach: Tracing Ransomware’s Impact Across Nations

Ransomware attacks are a global epidemic, but they disproportionately affect certain regions. The United States consistently tops the chart with the highest number of ransomware victims.

Following the USUK and Canada are next on the list this month. Wealthy countries are generally favored targets due to their lucrative digital environments. Despite their wealth, some nations see fewer tracks, due to a sense of nationalism from the cybercriminal groups. This suggests the motivations of criminals vary from group to group, with some seeking financial gain and others making political statements.

Industry Breakdown

The distribution of ransomware attacks across industries highlights the varying degrees of cyber risk exposure.

Not all industries are targeted equally by ransomware groups. Our data shows that ManufacturingProfessional, Construction, and Healthcare bear the brunt of these attacks. The high value of data and often weaker cybersecurity defenses make these sectors particularly attractive targets. However, no industry is immune, and the ever-evolving nature of ransomware means that staying ahead of the curve is vital for all sectors. By understanding which industries are most targeted, we can infer the sectors that ransomware groups perceive as the most vulnerable or lucrative, helping to direct focus and resources in the ongoing fight against this cyber menace.

Geographical Preferences of Ransomware Groups

The geographical focus of ransomware groups reveals strategic patterns and preferences.

Each ransomware group has a unique footprint in terms of their geographical targets. The data shows that groups like LockBit 3.0, Hunters, and Play predominantly target specific regions.

Understanding these patterns can help nations and organizations to better anticipate and prepare for potential threats.

However, it’s critical to remember that cybercrime knows no borders, and organizations in all countries should remain vigilant against these rapidly evolving threats. The diversity in targeting underscores the global nature of the ransomware problem and the need for international cooperation in addressing it.

    Ransomware Strikes: Industry-wide

    Ransomware threats are industry-agnostic, but some sectors attract more attention than others.

    Each ransomware group has a unique pattern of target selection, but some industries find themselves more frequently caught in the crosshairs. Based on our data, Manufacturing, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, and Healthcare and Social Services often emerge as primary targets for ransomware attacks. For instance, one particular ransomware group, Lockbit 3.0, shows a discernible preference for Manufacturing. It’s critical for these industries to understand and anticipate these patterns, preparing robust defenses against potential threats. Remember, forewarned is indeed forearmed.

      Spotlight on Ransomware Indicators

      Ransomware indicators expose exploited vulnerabilities, shaping our understanding of ransomware group tactics.

      Leveraging the data-rich platform of Black Kite, we analyze ransomware indicators to identify common vulnerabilities that ransomware groups exploit. These indicators, including IP addresses, domains, or hashes, have been associated with our list of victims this month.

      By shedding light on MX and DNS Misconfigurationat least one credential leaked in the last 90 days, and at least one possible phishing domain, we highlight the cyber vulnerabilities ransomware groups actively exploit. Recognizing these indicators and taking prompt preventive measures can significantly strengthen an organization’s defenses against ransomware attacks.


      At least one record found in stealer logs


      Open RDP or SMB ports publicly visible


      Use of out-of-date services/products with possible vulnerabilities of high exploitability


      At least one possible phishing domain


      At least one credential leaked in the last 90 days


      MX and DNS misconfiguration that may allow spoofing and phishing attacks

      Industry-wide RSI Breakdown

      An Analysis of the average RSI values across industries provides a clear picture of industry-specific cyber risks.

      In our continuous monitoring of hundreds of thousands of companies, we’ve computed the average RSI (Ransomware Susceptibility Index values for each industry. These values paint a comprehensive picture of the industry-specific cyber risks that organizations face. In this month’s analysis, ManufacturingProfessional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and Healthcare show the highest average RSI values. The data suggests that these industries may have heightened exposure to ransomware threats and need to be especially proactive in bolstering their cybersecurity defenses.

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